Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What Interior Design really is

Interior Design can be described in many different ways but, unfortunately, more often than not, interior design is described incorrectly.
Many people would like to be explained what Interior Design really is, and, if they do not wish to understand, that seems like a pretty obvious sign that they are the ones who are in need of the most explaining.
Interior Design is a complete, creative solution to an interior problem. These problems can be the result of various issues within an interior space or could be more related to the aesthetic of a room or interior environment rather than a more serious issue such as safety.

Interior Design incorporates many levels of conceptual planning, along with aesthetic, as well as technical, solutions to successfully achieve the sought after result in an interior space. One of the most important things to remember about Interior Design is that, YES of course the space will be pleasing to the eye, but, the safety and function of a space is equally as important, if not more.

If you want to make an interior designer angry, tell them how fun there job must be getting to pick out colors and fabrics, choose different types of furniture pieces, and fluff pillows and bedspreads all day.

In my experience, which is not a whole lot just yet, If you plan on saying this, you should also plan on running fairly quickly in the opposite direction right afterwards. A few words, and possibly fists may be flying.

Do not say I did not warn you!

All in all, it is safe to say Interior Design is much more than what many people realize.

It never hurts to ask a question, so, the next time you think about assuming how something works or how difficult a job may be without having experienced it yourself.... just ask!